
Death and a New Life ch7

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Yuzu Kurosaki was setting on a cliff overlooking a stormy sea, by all rights the sandy haired twin should have been scared of the storm and the crashing waves, but she wasn't. Yuzu watched the sea as it was tossed by the wind, but instead of fear there was something comforting about this place, almost as if it were her home. Yuzu was busy watching the storm when she noticed  a man walking up to her, she didn't recognize him, but there was something familiar about him, given what she had been through she should have been afraid of a strange man approaching her, but not him, she knew at once she could trust him with her life. The man came up and sat next to her, they watched the storm together for a long time neither of them speaking. The man stood as if to leave, and he bent down to her ear and spoke to her in a soft tone.
"When you need me, you will know what to do." He said, causing her to give him a confused look, but before she could speak someone called her name.
"Yuzu, wake up!" Karin yelled at her sister, causing the girl to role from her bed and fall to the floor.
"Gee thanks Karin." Yuzu said as she untangled herself from the mass of bed covers she was wrapped in.
"What are sisters for?" Karin chirped in an uncharacteristically happy tone. Yuzu put the covers back on her bed and stood up, she was still confused by the dreams she was having.
"What's wrong Yuzu?" Karin ask when she noticed the look on her sister's face.
"Nothing, I'm fine, I just had a weird dream." She said.
"Oh, what was it about?" Karin ask, and Yuzu thought about it for a moment then realized that she couldn't remember what her dream was about.
"I'm sorry, I can't remember, it was just weird." Yuzu said feeling a little frustrated by her inability to remember.
"Oh well, lets get some breakfast" Yuzu chirped, matching Karin's tone from earlier. Karin could tell that Yuzu was trying to be cheerful, but she was still confused and frustrated.  Karin decided not to press the issue and followed her twin to the dinning room to get breakfast.

Rukia was nervous as she regarded herself in the dressing room mirror, though she was happy with her dress. Rukia's wedding dress was white, with a black butterfly pattern embroidered in the bodice, and silk lattices running down her arms to her elbows as sleeves, as well as a pattern of silk flowers in the apron.. Rukia had not put on her vale yet, but on her wedding day she would be wearing a small vale and a crown of sakura blossoms. Rukia was staring at the young and beautiful bride in the mirror and she could not believe that she was looking at herself. Rukia had never thought of herself as beautiful, or even pretty, and she had to wonder what Ichigo saw in her. Rukia worried that she wouldn't be a good wife, she didn't think she was worthy of him.  Rukia closed her eyes as a few tears started threatening to fall.
"I'm just not good enough." she whispered to herself and a few tears fell from her violet eyes. Rukia opened her eyes and she was standing in an open field covered with snow, a blizzard was blowing, and she could see the figure of a woman standing by a frozen pond looking sad, her zanpakto.
"My inner world." Rukia said to herself.
"Yes it is." the woman responded.
"Why is there a blizzard?" Rukia asked, she had not seen her inner world like this since the day Ichigo lost his powers all those years ago.
"You tell me." Soda No Shiriyuki said as she regarded Rukia with a sad expression.
"I don't know." Rukia said not looking at her sword's spirit.
"Yes you do child, what is wrong, why is there a storm in your heart?" the zanpakto ask.
"I'm not good enough." she responded.
"Good enough for what?" Shiriyuki ask.
"I'm not good enough for Ichigo." Rukia said as the pain of doubt tore through her heart.
"Why do you think that?" the sword ask, still regarding Rukia with a sad expression.
"Look at me, I'm not pretty, I don't have big boobs, or a tan, or long blond hair. I'm small, weak, and pale." She said as her voice started breaking.  "I'm stupid, and he always has to protect me, he deserves better then me." Rukia said in a whisper as she collapsed in the snow sobbing.
"Yet he loves you with all of his heart, if he wanted big boobs or a tan he could have had Orihime, or anyone out of a hundred girls in both worlds. He chose you because you complete him, you stopped the rain in his heart just as he stopped the blizzard in your's." Shiriyuki said as she placed a hand on Rukia's shoulder.
"Rukia you are the only girl who can fill the void in his life, and you are the only one he wants to spend his life with." Shiriyuki said and Rukia looked up at her and for the first time Rukia could remember the sword spirit smiled.
"Go to him, you will be the best wife he could ask for." she said.
"How can you know that? He deserves a better wife then me" Rukia said looking at the ground.
"Rukia, you will be a good wife, you love him with all of your heart. What man can ask for more then that? Ichigo loves you, and he wants you and no one else." Shiriyuki said as she wrapped her arms around her. Rukia could feel her heart settle, and a peaceful feeling came over her.
"Thank you Shiriyuki." Rukia whispered before she left her inner world. Shiriyuki noticed the presence of another in her world, and stood to face him.
"It looks like the storm has let up." the dark figure said as he approached her.
"Hello Zangetsu."  She said to the other zanpakto spirit.
"How is your mistress ?" he ask.
"She's worried about the marriage, she is afraid of being unworthy of him." She said as they sat next to the pond.
"Ichigo was worried about the same thing a few days ago." Zangetsu said as he took her hand in his.
"They are both young and still lack faith in themselves, but their faith in each other strengthens them and forges an unbreakable bond ." she said
"They have both grown and become strong since they met, now they will each help the other grow even more." Zangetsu responded.
"They are so alike, just like two sides of the same coin."  Shiriyuki said and Zangetsu just nodded in agreement.
The two swords sat in the snow by the pond in a comfortable silence, just enjoying each other's presence as the snow fell gently around them and their worlds were at peace.

Toshiro Hitsugaya was setting at his desk when he felt someone's spiritual pressure approaching. He focused on the source and recognized the feeling of it, Karin was heading toward his office. The door opened and Karin stepped in, he noticed she was holding two boxes and something smelled really good.
"I brought us some lunch." She said as he got up from his desk and headed to the couch, he looked to make sure Rangiku was not sleeping on it. They sat and opened the bento boxes that Karin had.
"This is great" He said as he took a bite of the hand packed lunch.
"Thanks, I made it myself." she said.
"You cooking? " He asked in disbelief, causing Karin to look annoyed.
"Yes I learned to cook, don't have a heart attack Tosh."  She said causing him to smile at the playful look on her face as she gave him a slight nudge on the shoulder.
"Well you did a great job, any other hidden talents you want to share?" He said matching her playfulness. Karin leaned close to his face, until their lips were only centimeters apart.
"There is one talent other I'd like to show you." She said in a seductive voice, as he closed his eyes she leaned a little closer, then dumped his glass of water on his head. Toshiro was in shock, until he heard her beautiful laugh.
"I can still fool you." She said as he ran his fingers through his now wet hair, he should have been mad, but the sound of her laughter was just too beautiful and he was soon laughing as well.
"You did get me with that one." he said to the girl he loves more then anyone in either world. She gave him a big eyed innocent look.
"Who me?" she said.
"Yup, but you forgot something." he said.
"Oh and what's that?" she said in a playfully challenging tone.
"This." He said as he leaned in and kissed her, at first Karin was not expecting him to do that, but soon she melted into the kiss. He pulled away breaking the kiss, Karin had a dreamy look on her face and her eyes were closed.
"And this." he said as he dumped her water over her head, causing her to jump up with a squeal. Karin was shocked at first, but then she chuckled a bit.
"I guess I had that coming." She said.
"Yup, all's fair in love and war." He said and soon they were both laughing again. Karin spent the next few hours with Toshiro, and after lunch they took a walk around the Tenth Division grounds. Karin left a short time later saying she had to meet with Yuzu and Rukia to get ready for the dressed rehearsal of Ichigo and Rukia's wedding. After Karin was gone he sat at his desk looking over the paper work that had been setting on his desk all day. He opened the top right drawer and removed the small box that held the engagement ring that he'd had made for her so many years ago. Soon he would ask her to be his wife, just as soon as things settle down from Ichigo and Rukia's wedding.

A lone scout ran across the sands of Hueco Mundo, the night sky clear and seemingly peaceful as always. Sento Nekamashi of the Second Division's Stealth Force knew better then to let his guard down, this was enemy territory and hollows of all types were all over this place. He ran towards the fortress of Las Noches, the last time the soul reapers had been here, they had reduced it to ruins. As he was approaching the once great fortress he chanted a Kido that was known only to a very few, it was a special Kido that not only concealed his spiritual pressure, but also rendered him invisible and untouchable to anyone else. If the truth were to be told he was proud of this little family secret, that even Captain Soi Fong did not know of. He entered the ruins to find an army of hollows rebuilding the fortress, he was surprised to see so many in one place, and was even more surprised that they were working together and not fighting. He made his way to the old throne room, what he saw there was more of a shock to him then the fact that ordinary hollows were working together, there setting on Aizen's throne was a humanoid hollow who seemed to be in charge. Sento got closer and then he realized that the man on the throne was no ordinary hollow, he was an Arrancar.
"This can't be, how can he be an Arrancar?" Sento asked out loud, and he would have given himself away if it had not been for the effects of his special Kido. He rushed from the palace, it could no longer be called a ruin, and made his way back across the sands to his extraction point. He had to report this as soon as possible, that Arrancar was stronger then most of Aizen's Espada had been. As he neared the extraction point the dropped his Kido, and saw the Garganta back to Urahara's shop open, he ran through the gate and as he landed in Urahara's training ground he rushed to the shop owner.
"We have a problem." He said to the shopkeeper.
"I know, but just how big is the question." Urahara said as he lead the scout up to the shop for some tea. After the scout was debriefed by Urahara and Yoruichi he left for the Soul Society.
"Well this complicates things." Urahara said as the two of them sat drinking their tea.
"I don't see what we can do yet, right now the Thirteen Court Guard squads are still recovering from the war with Aizen ten years ago." she said, frustration clear in her voice and on her face.
"All we can do is bide our time, and build our forces. Right know he doesn't know that we are aware of his existence, if we can keep it that way then maybe we can surprise him when he does attack." He said.
"Sounds like our only option right now." She said, sounding a little resigned.
"Time to play again already." Urahara said as he dispatched a communiqué to Captain Yamamoto. They both knew that this would be a long and drawn out battle, in their line of work there is no such thing as an easy victory.

Ichigo woke in his quarters at the Third Division barracks, and instantly missed the warmth of Rukia's soft little body curled up against him. Ichigo had moved out of the Kuchiki manor a few days ago so he and Rukia could prepare for their wedding. Now after months of preparation and years of loving each other he and his beloved were getting married in a matter of a few hours. Ichigo stood and put on his robes, in an hour or so his groomsmen would arrive and then he and they would have to spend the rest of their time before the wedding getting dressed for it. Ichigo heard a knock at his door, it was one of the division stewards with a light breakfast for him. He opened the door and took the tray thanking the young man for bringing it to him. Ichigo sat and started sipping his tea, he was lost in thought. Ichigo was thinking about Rukia, about the day they met, all of the battles they had fought, and the day they confessed their feelings.

Flashback  7 years ago, Karakura Living World

"Look out !" Rukia yelled at Ichigo as a giant hollow took a swipe at him. Ichigo dodged the blow and undercut the hollows arm, the hollow roared in pain and sent another attack at Ichigo.
"You're a strong one soul reaper, I bet you taste delicious." the hollow taunted as it drew back from Ichigo.
"Yeah right, don't count on getting a taste." Ichigo said as he readied his next attack.
"Maybe I should eat that tender little morsel over there first." The hollow said as he moved in to attack Rukia, who was so distracted by the hollow she was fighting she didn't see him attack her from behind.
"Rukia!"  Ichigo shouted as he shunpoed between her and the hollow. Ichigo was stabbed by the hollow's claws, and he thrust Zangetsu through the hollow's mask killing it. Ichigo stood using Zangetsu to hold himself up, as blood formed a pool at his feet. Rukia killed her hollow and turned to Ichigo, her face turned very pale as she realized what had happened. Rukia rushed to his side and was about half way there when he coughed up some blood and collapsed. Rukia tried to call out to him but she couldn't find her voice, she tripped as she ran to him and she fell a few feet from him, for Rukia time seemed to slow as she saw his life blood flow onto the ground.
"Ichigo you baka, why did you do that?" she said with a trembling voice, Rukia had seen him injured many times but never like this, his body was nearly cut in two. Rukia pulled her soul phone and called Orihime who said she would be there as soon as she could. Rukia rested his head in her lap and tried to use kido to keep him alive until Orihime could get there.
"Rukia, are you okay ?" Ichigo said, his was voice very weak and came out more like a whisper. Rukia just nodded, she couldn't believe it, he was nearly cut in half and he was worried about her.
"Good." he said as he closed his eyes, his face was growing pale, and she could tell he didn't have much time left if Orihime didn't get there soon.
"Ichigo stay with me, don't leave." Rukia said as tears filled her eyes, Ichigo opened his eyes and looked at her.
"Rukia, I don't think I have much time left, I have to tell you something before it runs out….. Rukia I love you." Rukia was shocked, Ichigo loves her, she couldn't believe it, any other time she would have been happy, but now he was about to die.
"Ichigo, I love you too, please don't leave me." She said as her voice cracked. Ichigo looked into her eyes and he smiled
"You're so beautiful Rukia, I wish ..I had.. told.. you.. sooner much… I love you." He said as his eyes rolled up in his head, Rukia panicked and started shaking him.
"Ichigo, Ichigo !" she screamed as tears ran down her face, she started sobbing as she held him close to her.
"Ichigo, Rukia!" Orihime called out as she and Uryu ran up to them. Rukia was still holding onto Ichigo, and Uryu pulled her away as Orihime called on her flowers. The healing field covered Ichigo as she went to work.
"He's in bad shape, but he's still alive." Orihime said as she healed him. Uryu was holding onto Rukia as she sobbed on him, he felt awkward with her so close, but she needed comfort. Rukia sat watching Ichigo as he was healed, what he had said echoed in her mind, she knew he thought those would be his last words to her, and she wondered if he meant it or if it was his way of trying to comfort her. After about an hour Orihime finished and recalled her flowers, he regained consciousness and slowly set up still very weak.
"Ichigo!"  Rukia yelled as she rushed over and wrapped her arms around him, he hugged her back very carefully, he was still sore. Ichigo stood up slowly and unsteadily, Rukia took his arm to helped him walk home.

  Later that night they were in Ichigo's room studying, when Ichigo sat up and looked at her.
"Rukia, can I ask you something?" he said.
"Sure." she said starting to feel nervous.
"Did you mean what you said when you thought I was dying?" he asked sounding as nervous as she felt. Rukia sat up and looked him in the eyes, she had meant it and now she was afraid that he hadn't. She wondered if she should tell him the truth and risk their friendship, but if she lied and he really did mean it then she would lose him.
"Ichigo I …um,… I really meant it." she said closing her eyes and hoping with all of her heart that he really does love her like he said. Ichigo smiled and sat next to her, he took her tiny hand in his and cupped her cheek gently with his free hand. Rukia nuzzled into his touch  he leaned in and their lips met, for Rukia and Ichigo the world seemed to vanish and there was nothing but the warmth and love they shared.
"I really meant it too." he said after they broke the kiss. Rukia snuggled up against him, and he wrapped his arms around her tiny form. Soon it was very late and Rukia stood to go to her bed in the room she shared with the twins.
"Hey Rukia, um you can stay the night here if you want to." Ichigo said still sounding a bit nervous.
"Ok." she said with a smile, her voice sounded soft and loving. Rukia left to put on her pajamas, and after she left Ichigo changed into his. Rukia returned a few minutes later and walked over to the closet, she opened the door and turned to look at Ichigo.
"Good night Ichigo." she said as she started to climb in, she stopped when he gently gripped her arm.
"That's not what I meant." he said in a warm and gentle tone, as he lead her to his bed. Rukia crawled in next to him and snuggled up to him as he wrapped his arms around her.
"Good night Rukia, I love you." He said as sleep started to blanket him.
"I love you too Ichigo, good night." she said as she snuggled a bit closer to him and let sleep take her.

Third Division barracks, Soul Society, current time.

Ichigo finished remembering that beautiful day, the day he finally told her how he felt. Just then a knock sounded again at his door. Ichigo opened it to find  his groomsmen in the hall.
"Yo Ichigo,  time to get you ready for Rukia." Renji said as he entered, wearing his tuxedo.
"Yeah, we better hurry, the sooner we get you two married the sooner we get to the sake." Ikkaku said walking in with Chad, Uryu, Kira, Keigo and Tatsuki, who was taking her place on Ichigo's side as a groom's maid, . There had been a question of who would be the best man, Izura Kira is Ichigo's vice-captain and a good friend, but Chad is Ichigo's best friend besides Rukia. In the end Chad was chosen because he and Ichigo had known each other longer, and though Kira is a good friend and coworker, Chad knows Ichigo and Rukia better. The giant of a man stood next to Renji and regarded his friend of many years. Ichigo stood and walked over to Chad who had the small ring that Ichigo had custom made for Rukia's tiny fingers. Chad handed it to Ichigo and it was so small that it wouldn't have fit on Ichigo's pinky, Ichigo has known Rukia for so many years, but it still amazes him just how small she really is, and yet she is so strong, courageous, and selfless. Ichigo smiled, Yes Rukia is many things, the love of his life and afterlife, a strong brave warrior, a gentle caring person, and soon she would be his wife.
"I guess we better get ready then, I don't want to keep Rukia waiting." Ichigo said as the door closed and they set to getting ready. Idly Ichigo wondered what Rukia was doing, if she was as nervous as he is.
"Don't worry Rukia, I swear I'll be the best husband I can be, the husband you deserve." He vowed in a whisper as he got dressed.

Rukia woke in her bed at the Kuchiki manor, the sunlight was filtering through the shoji door and she knew it was going to be a beautiful day. Rukia missed Ichigo's strong arms around her, she always felt safe and warm when he held her.  Rukia sat up, and got out of her bed, one of the maids knocked on the door, Rukia opened it and thanked the girl as she took the tray of food from her. Rukia opened the door leading to the garden, she sat watching the birds fly through the gardens as she sipped her tea. This was it, in a few short hours she would no longer be a Kuchiki, a name she had carried for over fifty years, by sunset she would be Rukia Kurosaki, though in truth she had felt like a Kurosaki since that day Isshin and Yuzu welcomed her into the Kurosaki house. She slowly ate her breakfast, feeling very nervous as she did so, she wondered how she had gotten to this place in her life. If someone had told her the night she met Ichigo that she would give him her powers, get arrested, nearly executed, fight a war, watch him lose his powers, help him regain them, and fall in love with that orange haired daiko, she would have laughed and told them that they were nuts. She had to admit her life has changed more in the comparatively short time she's known him then it had in the rest of her hundred and fifty year existence. Rukia stood and went over to her wardrobe, she put on a simple violet kimono as she waited for her bridesmaids to show up. Rukia wanted to speak to her brother before the wedding, she wanted to tell him how much he means to her, and how grateful she is to him for taking her in. Rukia knew that if she had not been adopted as his sister she never would have met Ichigo, and this day would have never come. Rukia also wanted to thank him for letting them hold the wedding in the gardens.  Rukia heard a knock at her door, she opened it and Orihime walked in with the other bridesmaids, Karin, Yuzu, Momo, Rangiku, and Kiyone. The girls chatted as they walked to the dressing rooms that had been set aside for them to use, they had a lot to do and only a few hours to do it in.

The Shino Academy, earlier that morning.

Orihime woke in her dorm room, her roommate Tatsuki had left a bit earlier that morning so she would have time for a jog  before going to the Third Division barracks to meet up with the rest of Ichigo's wedding party. Very soon Orihime's dear friends Ichigo and Rukia would be getting married, at one point in the past she had dreamed that she would be the bride at Ichigo's wedding. Orihime had to admit that she would have been consumed with jealousy just a few years ago, but the day Ichigo and Rukia openly admitted their relationship Orihime had spent the night struggling with her feelings for him, and she finally realized that his heart would never belong to her, how could it? Rukia was the only one who held Ichigo's heart, she always had and always would. Orihime had spent that night crying and sobbing till her body felt so weak that she swore she was dying, she spent the next week feeling very depressed and though she put up a happy front, everyone but the happy couple knew what was bothering her. Orihime slowly came to terms with what she had lost, and much to her surprise her feeling for Ichigo started fading away, she realized that she had never really been in love with him, she had been in love with the idea of him, the Ichigo she'd built up in her head, not the real Ichigo. Orihime had finally gotten over Ichigo about three months after he and Rukia started dating, and a month after that she got the shock of a life time when Uryu Ishida took her aside one day and confessed that he'd had feelings for her since they had invaded the Soul Society to save Rukia. Orihime and Uryu had been a couple ever since and now they were engaged, with their wedding set for three months from now. She got up and left her room, she knew that she and Rukia's other bridesmaids were expected at the Kuchiki manor soon. With that she exited the Academy and walked to the home of her dear friend.
"This is going to be a beautiful day." She said to no one in particular as she walked.

Yuzu sat up in bed, she was still having those weird dreams, every time she tried to remember them they would fade away like shadows at midday. Yuzu was still frustrated by her inability to remember anything from her dreams, but she could remember one thing there was always this same man there with her. She got up and got dressed in a light pink yukata and left her room to go wake Karin so they could go get ready for Onii-Chan's wedding.

Karin was laying awake in her bed enjoying the feeling of Toshiro's arms around her ,as the sunlight started filtering into the room she was arguing with herself about when to get up, she knew she would have to get up soon but for now she just wanted to enjoy cuddling with her boyfriend. Karin had rarely ever felt so peaceful in her often troubled and sometimes violent life. Karin is a warrior just like the rest of her family, and she learned a long time ago that when you've been fighting hollows since you were eleven years old trouble can come at anytime, so enjoy the simple moments of peace while you have them. Someone knocked at the door, Karin reluctantly sat up to get it, but Toshiro gently pulled her back down.
"I'll get it" he said as he got out of their nice warm bed. He walked over and opened the door, to find Yuzu standing in the hall.
"I came to get Karin-chan, we have to go get ready for Onii-chan's wedding." she said and it was clear from her tired expression that she had wanted to stay in bed as well. Karin got out of bed, deciding that it wasn't as nice without Toshiro next to her.
"I'm coming Yuzu, give me a sec to get dressed." She said as she walked into the dressing area Byakuya had put in so she wouldn't have to change in front of Toshiro. Karin put on her light blue kimono and walked out enjoying the mesmerized look she was getting from Toshiro. The girls left the room and Toshiro started getting dressed after he regained his senses, Karin really is the most beautiful girl he knows, they've been together for nine years and she still manages to captivate him. In many ways they had grown up together, Toshiro was much older then her in chronological terms, but they both matured into adults at the same time, his frequent visits to see her in the living world and the use of a gigai had caused him to age at around the same rate she did, as a result he was now 5'10. Toshiro smiled, he figured it was a good thing that happened, she had grown to 5'1, and it would have looked funny if he still looked like a child, he of course also liked looking older. The increased ageing and growth had caused most people to treat him with a bit more respect, but both Karin and Rangiku still made short jokes and Ukitake still gave him candies, not that he minded the candies, secretly he really liked them. Toshiro pushed his thoughts aside as he left the Kuchiki manor, Ichigo and Rukia's wedding was in just a few hours, he and the other captains were to form an honor guard in keeping with tradition when a captain was married.

Byakuya stood in the anteroom waiting for his sister to finish getting dressed for her wedding. Earlier in the morning Rukia had come to see him on her way to the dressing rooms she and her bridesmaids where to use. She told him how much he means to her and how grateful she was that he had taken her in. Byakuya was stunned to hear these words from her, she rarely expressed her emotions to anyone other then Ichigo, but at the same time he was happy to know how much he had done for her.  Rukia entered the room wearing her wedding dress, the crown of sakura on her head had come from the very garden she and Ichigo would be wed in.
"Nii-sama, are you ready?" she ask from behind her short vale.
"Yes, however, there is something I must tell you." he said as she stood before him.
"Rukia, you have come so far from the unsure girl I found at the academy, I am proud of you. Rukia you are my only pride, I love you little sister." he said causing tears to form in her eyes.
"I love you too, big brother." she said as a few tears fell down her cheeks, she had always looked up to her brother and she knew he cared for her in his own way, but to her those simple words from him was more then she had ever hoped for. Byakuya carefully wrapped his arms around his little sister in the first hug he had ever given her, as she hugged him back he only wished he had done this sooner.
"Are you ready sister?" he ask with a happy smile, dropping all formality in favor of a warm brotherly tone.
"Yes brother." she said as they took their places at the entrance to the garden where her husband to be was waiting.   

Ichigo stood at the alter with Chad next to him, he was nervous as he waited for his lovely bride to make her entrance. Head Captain Yamamoto stood by ready to perform the ceremony, he had to admit this was one of his favorite duties, the joining of two souls. The wedding march started and Rukia entered the garden on her brother's arm, Ichigo's breath caught in his throat as she came into view. Rukia had always been beautiful of course, but now she was like something out of a dream. She and Byakuya approached the alter, and he released her arm as she took her place next to Ichigo.
" Dearly beloved, we are gathered her today to join Ichigo Kurosaki and Rukia Kuchiki in the bonds….." The head captain started as the world faded away for Ichigo and Rukia, to them there was nothing but each other and the love they each felt for the other. Ichigo stood facing the woman he would spend the rest of his afterlife with, he was captivated by her beauty and his love for her. Rukia stood mesmerized by Ichigo, she had always known she could trust him with her life, and she had come to trust him with her heart, now she knew that this was destined from the moment they met. Their thoughts were only on each other as the head captain ask them to read their vows.
" Rukia, you are the love of my life, before you came all I knew was the rain in my heart, thanks to you the rain has finally stopped. Rukia you are my ray of light in the darkness of the world, you give me strength. I swear to be the best husband I can be, I will do what ever it takes to keep you safe and happy. You are my light, my rain stopper, and my love" He said, and tears formed in Rukia's beautiful eyes.
"Ichigo" she whispered before she could find her voice, he smiled at her and she felt herself melt in his warmth.
"Ichigo, there is no one in any world I trust more then you, being with you fills my heart with joy. Ichigo I can never hope to express how much I love you, or how much happiness you have brought into my life. I would follow you anywhere, knowing that I could trust you to bring me home safe. Ichigo you stop the storms in my heart, and fill it with warmth. I swear I will be the best wife I can be, the wife you deserve. I will do whatever it takes to bring you the same joy you have given me. You are my comfort, my warmth, and my love. " she said as Yamamoto nodded his approval.
"Is there anyone here who can show just reason why this man and woman should not be wed, let them speak now or forever hold their peace."  Yamamoto said and both Byakuya and Isshin looked at the crowd, for a moment it looked as though their hands were dangerously close to the hilt of their swords. When no one objected the head captain continued.
"Do you have the ring?" he ask Ichigo, who looked at Chad. The giant of a man handed the tiny ring to Ichigo, who took Rukia's tiny hand delicately.
"Now repeat after me." the head captain started. " I Ichigo Kurosaki take you Rukia Kuchiki to be my lawful wedded wife, to love, honor, and cherish, in sickness and in health from now until the end of time." Ichigo said following the head captain's lead.
"With this ring I thee wed." Ichigo said as he placed the ring on her finger.
The head captain looked to Rukia.
"Now repeat after me." He started as she followed his lead.
"I Rukia Kuchiki take you Ichigo Kurosaki to be my lawful wedded husband, to love, honor, and obey, in sickness and in health from now until the end of time." She finished still holding Ichigo's hand.
"With this ring I thee wed." She said as she place the larger ring on Ichigo's finger.
" By the power vested in me as head captain of the Thirteen Court Guard Squads I now pronounce you husband and wife, you may kiss the bride." he said as Ichigo leaned in and kissed Rukia.
"Ladies and gentlemen I give you Mr. and Mrs. Kurosaki." the head captain announced as the wedding march resumed and Ichigo and Rukia left the gardens still holding hands.  

The wedding reception was held at the Third division, as the crowd gathered to celebrate the union of these two war heroes, Toshiro took his place at the table next to Karin, who had changed into a dark green kimono, he reached under the table and took her hand. Karin smiled as their fingers intertwined, she couldn't help feeling a little jealous of Ichigo and Rukia, she hoped that one day Toshiro would ask her to be his wife. Ichigo and Rukia entered having changed into more comfortable clothing, Rukia in a violet kimono, and Ichigo was wearing a dark red kimono, everyone stood and applauded as the young couple entered the banquet hall. The first song started and Ichigo and Rukia started the first dance, after a few minutes the song changed and everyone joined them, Karin was dancing with Toshiro, Isshin with Masaki, Renji with Tatsuki, Izura with Momo, Uryu with Orihime, and to everyone's surprise Sentaro was dancing with Kiyone. The next song Ichigo danced with Masaki, and Rukia danced with Byakuya, after they finished everyone sat and the food and drinks were served. Everyone was either dancing or drinking, and it was clear that the party was just getting started. Jinta was very nervous about asking Ururu to dance, so he took some sake and was about to drink it when Ururu came up to him and ask him to dance. Jinta was in heaven as he held his arms around Ururu's waist in a slow dance, he wondered why he had been so worried this, was a lot of fun. Urahara and Yoruichi spent their time dancing, and caused a stir with a very sexy tango. The crowed got a laugh when a very drunk captain Kyouraku was punched out by his vice-captain for hitting on her one too many times.  After a number of speeches by their friends, both sober and drunk, everyone went back to the dance floor for one last dance, then they formed a very drunk honor guard as Yicharu sat on a passed out Ikkaku's back biting his head, and Yumichika was chuckling at the sight. Ichigo and Rukia left hand in hand, he helped her into the horse drawn carriage that would take them to the Kuchiki manor. After they left everyone went back in to continue the party. Toshiro and Karin went looking for Rangiku when she disappeared an hour or so after Ichigo and Rukia left. Karin and Toshiro were walking around the barracks checking rooms when Karin heard moaning and panting coming from one of the rooms, she opened the door to find Sentaro and Kiyone in the bed and their clothing scattered around the room. Karin shut the door as fast as she could, her face was redder then a tomato, Toshiro ran up to her.
"Did you find her?" He ask.
"No I didn't." She said trying to get the image out of her head.
"What's wrong? Your face is red as a beet." He said.
"Nothing," she said, and he noticed the sound of moaning and panting, so he looked into the room . Toshiro shut the door and his face was redder then Karin's had been.
"I think you should give them their privacy." He said leading his girlfriend away.
"Good idea." She said as they left.

Ichigo carried Rukia into their room, he was nervous about what they were about to do, he has never done anything like this before, sure he had kissed Rukia many times and they had shared a bed for a long time, but this was a new level for them. Rukia was as nervous as Ichigo, she had never tried this before either, and she had heard that a girl's first time hurt. She trusted Ichigo to be gentle with her, and she knew he would never hurt her, but she was still worried. Ichigo laid her on their bed and kissed her with a warm passionate kiss.
"Don't worry, I won't do anything to hurt you," He said to her.
"I know I trust you." She said and he placed a hand on her shoulder, as they kissed he opened her kimono and slid the silk garment off her.
"I love you Rukia Kurosaki." He whispered in her ear as his arms slid around her tiny frame.
"I love you too Ichigo." She said as she melted into his arms.

Out in the hallway Isshin and Yuzu were at Ichigo and Rukia's door trying to hear what was going on in there. Karin and Toshiro walked into the hallway and noticed the two would be spies.
"Hey what do you think you're doing you old pervert?" she yelled in a whisper.
"But Karin it's their wedding night." Yuzu said.
"My son is finally becoming a man, soon I'll have grandbabies!" Isshin yelled and Karin gave him a spin kick. Masaki came out into the hall, and helped Isshin up off the floor.
"Karin you shouldn't hit your father." Masaki said shaking her head with a slight smile, she had really missed her family, antics and all.
"Lets give them their privacy Isshin, it's a very special night." She said to her husband.
"I bet we can make tonight special for us too." he said taking his wife's hand and following her into their room.
"Well, I really didn't want to think about that either." Karin said to Toshiro after her parent's  door shut.
"I guess it's to be expected, they are married." he said. And he noticed a little sadness in her eyes at the word married.
"Well lets go get some sleep." she said with a yawn.
"Sounds good." he said leading her to their room. Karin went to changed into her pajamas and Toshiro climbed into bed, he was thinking about that look on her face, and the pain in her eyes was bothering him. Karin came in and laid down next to him, and he wrapped his arms around her.
"Good night Toshiro, I love you," She said as she closed her eyes.
"I love you too Karin, good night," He said, and  just before sleep claimed him he resolved to propose to Karin within a day or two, he didn't like that look of pain on her face.
"I won't ,make you wait any longer Karin." He said to his sleeping girlfriend, causing her to smile in her sleep. With that vow he let sleep take him, the next day would bring many changes he was sure of it.
Ichigo and Rukia are getting married, as everyone prepares for their wedding, Ichigo, Rukia, and their friends reminisce about the paths that have lead them to this happy time in their lives. In the dark shadows a threat builds, and Yuzu is having strange dreams, will the joy of Ichigo and Rukia's wedding be disrupted by these strange happenings?
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hannahfinchyyy's avatar
this is fantastic i hope you update soon!